Sales slow?
Sales tips:
Where are you advertising?
-where ever you choose to advertise you will need a following, and you will need to build that following so you have someone to post to. Organically, buying followers does no good.Think of friends and followers as POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS.
Are you posting your links and ads?
-Some people like twitter some like Snapchat some like pay pal some like cash app so you should have them all. You should be posting these links with all or most of your posting.Give people easy access to reach you.
Are you posting?
-You should be posting daily. Post=advertising. If people dont know what you have how will they know to buy it. Your buyer maybhave been online browsing Monday but you missed him bc you didnt post till thursday. The more you post the more people will see you. It can be simple quick
" hey im jacky jane i am offering xyz reach me at abc" however the more details the better
Are you building customer relations?
-Do you take the money and run or take time to get to know your customers? There needs and likes? Building repour is important to get your customers to return so chat with them, interact with them.
Are you spread to thin?
- Have you found your niche or are you all over the place with platforms,content, customers? Are you still not sure what you want to sale or who to sale it to? Sit down and get some focus. If you spend 5% on 10 things the results will be lowsey, put effort into whatever your doing.
These are a few things that i notice trip a lot of people up in there journey. In the beginning it can take time to build followers and a customer base but as long as you stick to it , it will fall into place. ❤
Candy Kushner