Has your sex work made you feel or think any differently about spiritual advisors or any type of religious head figure ?
personally over the years mine has changed, I feel if you're going to be a spiritual advisor of any kind you should have self control and be able to speak to your audience from honesty and a real life, I admire anybody who wants to assist anybody's spiritual path I however do think we should take some of these things with a grain of salt.
hear me out I don't mean to offend any religious person but what I am saying is this over the years I have had my fair share of everything :pastors, Deacon's, a few rabbis, Buddhist ,spiritual advisors in general and on one point I understand that these are people withs sexual needs
sex is a human need to stop sex usually requires something traumatizing or serious self-determination while these people have a sexual side I expect them to exert self control and self-determination to avoid sexual contact outside of what is allowed within the religion they preach Now the only reason why I think about it is because I think of so many young men and women who are apart of their religious organizations who do things such as abstain from sex or sexual contact of any kind due to what they were taught by their religious leader aka my customers. also these people are being shamed for their sexual desires by the same people who are on the low exploring their own sexual desires so it does two things to me one makes me look at them funny & 2 makes me wonder if those who are supposed to be sacrificing their sexual interest to guide others,but cant..... Understand that completely shutting of sexual desires is incredibly unhealthy. When i see a pastor pastoring i wonder to myself: i wonder how much i can get him to pay me for pussy pics 🤔🤔 and if the deacon would be down to