✨Customer relations ✨
Congrats your a one man band stand! You have your products your name and your ready to go and start to sell right ?? Just like any other business , you need to treat your potential buyers with respect and concern. Just like you would expect to get. I am NOT in a good mood (not even for a Dominatrix) so I'm taking the day off. I am aware when I am not in a good mood I forget how to talk to people. The real issue with forgetting how to talk to people in a calm decent acceptable manner is nobody is going to buy from you if they don't like you. It goes beyond if they are attracted to you and becomes "do I want to line her pockets with my money" it could be a big fat HELL NO if they don't like you. If you have regular customers they may understand your having a tough day ans pay even pay you to help. A new person will probably run for the hills. Customer service is very very important . You have to handle tour own ticket sales at the box office people won't show up if they don't like you. Think of it like performing in front of a audience nobody is going to see the asshole from Sienfield who called everyone the N word.....they go to whole hearted Kevin Hart. Use honey not viniger to bring them in. As for me.....today will b a off day